\u25aaStrategic and Operational Planning
\u25aaDimensioning of Stopes
\u25aaGeomechanics applied to the planning of underground mines
\u25aaMine geometry
\u25aaDesign of pillars
\u25aaSupport in mining excavations
\u25aaSelection and optimization of mining equipment
\u25aaMine design
\u25aaPre-feasibility study and project management
\u25aaA-Mine (Installation, training and support)
\u25aaMOSS (Sales in Latin America) <\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n
\u25aaDesign and planning of the ventilation system in underground mining
\u25aa Analysis of the current ventilation system
\u25aa Computer simulation of the ventilation system
\u25aa Validation of the computer system using software
\u25aa Proposals and \/ or optimal-economic solution
\u25aa Ventilation system techniques
\u25aa Cost reduction opportunities
\u25aa Audit and diagnosis of ventilation systems
\u25aa Ventilation design in tunnels
\u25aa Emergency plans and systems <\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n
\u25aa General topographic surveys
\u25aa Drone surveys
\u25aa Geodesy
\u25aa Photogrammetry
\u25aa Geographic information topics (GIS)
\u25aa Corrective topography
\u25aa MOSS (Software for the control of Works)
\u25aa Drone LiDAR (Point Clouds) <\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n
\u25aa FERA UAV (Magnetometer service with drone)
\u25aa Resource modeling
\u25aa Modeling of the mineral body
\u25aa Validation of geological samples <\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n